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This char最小值g mounta在城里 is the central hub for Lake Tahoe's many North Shore destinations
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  • 官方资源
  • 画廊
  • 吃饭的地方 & 喝
  • 视频
  • 播客

从太浩湖北岸驱车20分钟即可到达, 特拉基 高山是一个独立的目的地吗. Historically a logging town, 特拉基 was also the site for major railroad construction in the 1860s. 今天, 它是古老的西部风格的市中心, 位于唐纳山道一带, 变成了一个艺术中心, 这里有历史遗迹和吸引人的精品店和画廊. 这种创造性的文化为特拉基赢得了城市的称号 加州文化区 in 2017. 下降 画廊5830年山地艺术团体河滨工作室,只有三个 许多画廊 在城里, 你在哪里可以找到当地艺术家的作品, 包括雕塑, 吹玻璃器皿, 木制品, 和更多的.


在镇上了解当地历史 一系列博物馆,包括 特拉基历史博物馆), 特拉基铁路博物馆和小而引人注目的 旧监狱博物馆. 漫步在 自助历史市中心徒步游, or, 在唐纳山口路上开车时, 在组成户外的众多解释性标志前停下来 20英里博物馆-你会学到诸如采冰之类的东西, 滑雪的历史, 该地区的美洲原住民岩画等等.

Local history is also a focus, along with nature, at the independent bookstore, 一个接一个的书, w在这里 you’ll find a Kids’ Room well stocked with books for children of all ages. 或者带一些很酷的纪念品和山景装饰回家 定制, a curated gift store owned by the husband-and-wife team of Brian Hess and Heather River. Sharing the space with 定制 is the couple’s combo gallery, retail store, arts classroom 工作室, w在这里 aspiring creatives come learn how to do everything from knit to screen-print to arrange flowers. For many shops in 特拉基, sustainability is not just a shared value, but a way of doing business. 了解六个这样的业务 在这里. Adding to the city’s commitment to sustainability is a free 特拉基 Area Rapid Transit (TART) 航天飞机; download the TART Connect phone app for rides between your lodgings and downtown.


The town has also become something of a foodie hot spot, with sophisticated but comfortable 山地美食选择,包括 斯特拉Pianeta喝醉了的猴子是寿司爱好者的最爱. Chef-owners John and Nyna Weatherson dream up inventive prix fixe menus at Trokay, w在这里 you can also take classes about cheese pairings or making your own pasta, 伟大的黄金’s “mountain 意大利” cuisine has proven to be a local favorite since it opened in late 2020. New places to satisfy every craving are opening all the time—read about a few of the newest additions to the 特拉基/太浩的用餐场景穆迪酒吧 & 垮掉的一代 是特拉基的夜生活地标, serving up roadhouse-style food and live jazz inside the 1873 特拉基酒店. Nab a seat at the bar to watch acts like Mose Allison and Shotgun Wedding Quintet (check the 卡车塔霍夜生活页面 更多现场音乐选择). 想要优质葡萄酒和品酒,请访问 拔开瓶塞特拉基 or The Pour House, both of which have a wide selection of wines on hand from small vineyards around the world.

如果你带着孩子游览这座城市,请注意这些 特拉基的家庭友好餐厅 访问特拉基-Tahoe的网站. 另一个有趣的美食之旅是参观 特拉基认证农贸市场,从5月中旬到10月中旬. You’ll find not only top-notch produce but also ready-to-eat prepared foods and baked goods. In addition to the market, t在这里 are other, year-round ways to get fresh, organic food: 的Farmacy, a brick-and-mortar market that’s open five days a week, the online “harvest-to-order” 收获的盒子.

精酿啤酒在这里也占有重要的地位,这要归功于像 五百五十酿酒公司.该公司最近获得了年度最佳酿造团体奖. 一定要去参观 不在场啤酒工厂-特拉基酒吧, which does triple duty as a pilot brewery with the largest beer garden 在城里, 现场音乐表演场地, a great family-friendly restaurant (get one of their brats on a pretzel bun).


特拉基历史悠久的市中心有许多独特的商店和 当地企业 他们提供一系列的产品, from outdoor gear and apparel suited for High Sierra adventure to handcrafted jewelry, 家居装饰, 手工制品. 也有很多机会浏览的工作 当地的艺术家 在各种各样的媒介中. If looking for a gift for that hard-to-shop-for person, another option is to give a 特拉基可持续礼品卡, 可在60多个地点兑换,享受独特的当地体验, 从带导游的钓鱼之旅到野外滑雪, 普拉提课程, 或者按摩.


全年 家庭的乐趣 (和 户外探险)在特拉基很容易找到. 在温暖的月份, 选择漂流, 游泳, 攀岩, 山地自行车, 还有骑马. 或者是一个懒惰的浮动? Drive into Tahoe City on a warm summer day and you can’t miss the big tents set up alongside the sparkling 特拉基河, w在这里 operators rent out inflatable rafts and inner tubes for a leisurely do-it-yourself day on the water. Other ways to relax, unwind, unplug, many of them outdoors, are plentiful. 学习如何沉溺其中 在这里.

For an easygoing walk or 自行车 ride, take advantage of 特拉基’s more than 22 miles of scenic 铺平了道路,包括风景,9.来回骑1英里 特拉基河遗产小径其中大部分与特拉基河平行. For more ideas for outdoor fun, read about the nearby family- and dog-friendly 海滩

波光粼粼的唐纳湖 唐纳纪念州立公园,也位于 内华达县是太浩湖的另一个有趣的选择. 首先走进公园的游客中心,在那里你会发现 唐纳纪念州立公园移民步道博物馆, which tells the tragic story of the Donner Party and the history of the 中国人 railroad workers. 浏览有关家庭活动的资料, 住在哪里, 夏季和冬季活动, 和更多的, 看看这个 指南 去公园.


在冬天, 特拉基’s ideal location is just 10–15 最小值utes away from some of Tahoe’s best ski resorts,包括 太浩栅栏北极星加州霍姆伍德山度假村糖碗度假村. 如果下坡不是你的风格,还有很多其他类型的 适合家庭的冬季活动,包括 snowshoeing, tubing, sledding, especially cross-country skiing. This is truly one of the top spots to get your powdery glide going: Royal Gorge boasts the most cross-country trails of any ski resort in North America, 访问特拉基-Tahoe网站有一个页面专门介绍所有的 不同类型的越野滑雪 t在这里 are, plus tips on the best trails and w在这里 to rent gear (包括 snowshoe gear). 你也可以 雇一个当地导游 然后开始一场野外滑雪或雪地摩托之旅. 季节性迟到者,振作起来吧: 滑雪运动经常延续到春季.


作为 可持续的特拉基 努力,城市的 为所有人准备的小径 campaign is committed to the creation of all-inclusive trails throughout the Northern Sierra. See the campaign’s website for information on such attractions as the Compass Skills Loop mountain-自行车 trail, Ridgeline自然环路, 和无障碍的路线和特点 唐纳纪念州立公园. Other inclusive hiking trails a short drive from 特拉基 include: The 10-mile paved 特拉基河小径 (popular with cyclists, walkers, runners); the 2.6-mile来回骑 松滴小径 which is also paved and ends at an outdoor recreation center; and the 2.两英里长 奥运村自行车道, which has a small section that is paved w在这里 you will share the road with cars, 但除此之外, 一条宁静的路线是否适合所有年龄和能力的徒步旅行者.


No matter your budget or the size of your crew, 特拉基 offers a variety of 住宿重力豪斯卡车塔霍 stands out with its modern-yet-rustic design and onsite 斯特拉 restaurant. 要有一种历史性的感觉 特拉基酒店—first opened as the American House in 1873—provides char最小值g rooms in the heart of downtown. 特拉基唐纳旅馆 混合山景与室外游泳池在一个很好的价值. 对于更大的群体, 斯普林希尔套房由万豪特拉基 offers spacious suites and a large outdoor terrace equipped with a fire pit.

If you’re looking for a getaway that won’t break the bank and is a little more away from it all, 塞拉派恩度假村 在塞拉城, 在特拉基西北方向大约一小时车程, 这是钓鱼的好地方吗, 自行车, 欣赏美丽的风景.





