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Discover this hidden gem tucked between L.A. and Santa Barbara
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Oxnard is where strawberries meet the sea. In this Ventura County city, some 60 miles northwest of LAX, you’ll find seven miles of white sand beaches, bountiful farm stands, some world-class taquerias, and a picturesque harbor that offers the closest access point to Channel Islands National Park. 作为太平洋海岸高速公路和101高速公路的交汇点,它是一个经典的停靠站 coastal California road trip.

Things to Do in Oxnard

Start your visit—these maps will come in handy—with a stop at Heritage Square,在那里你可以独自或独自欣赏奥克斯纳德保存完好的维多利亚时代建筑 guided tours. Then soak up some of Oxnard’s car culture: The town hosts cruise nights, meet-ups, 和全年的汽车节,并拥有两个史诗般的汽车博物馆 Murphy Auto Museum showcases American classics while the Mullin Automotive Museum houses exquisite French cars from the Art Deco era, including the Bugatti of Lake Maggiore, 一辆1925年的布加迪22型布雷西亚跑车,住在马焦雷湖底, on the border of Italy and Switzerland, for almost 75 years.

想感受另一种文化,可以去世界著名的鼓厂, DW Drums. 或者你也可以睁大眼睛看看那些给奥克斯纳德起了“博克斯纳德”这个绰号的人。奥克斯纳德是全国拳击中心,也是许多业余和职业拳击手的故乡, 其中一些人在这里出生和长大(如费尔南多·巴尔加斯和小雨果·森特诺).)或搬来这里训练(比如维克托·奥尔蒂斯、瓦西里·洛马琴科和谢尔盖·科瓦列夫)。.

体育迷们有另一种观看世界级运动员比赛的方式——在橄榄球场上 Dallas Cowboys Training Camp. 自2001年以来,大多数夏天,球队都在奥克斯纳德进行艰苦的季前赛准备, 这是一个很好的机会,可以看到职业橄榄球队的工作和奉献精神. Admission is free (there is a charge for parking), 还有签名和现场访问的机会.

Beachside Activities in Oxnard

白天,你可以追逐强大的,专家级的海浪 Silver Strand Beach这里被许多人认为是世界冲浪界保守得最好的秘密之一. In the winter particularly, 冲浪者勇敢地沿着这一英里长的水域,在强烈的海浪中骑行,这是完美的. 在斯特兰德的南端是历史悠久的拉杰内勒沉船, 这是一艘1970年搁浅的豪华客轮,如今已成为Silver Strand的码头, 你不能错过韦内梅港海军基地墙壁上充满活力的壁画, painted by local artists. 待到足够晚,可以欣赏到令人惊叹的日落, 哪些在秋冬季节特别壮观.

Channel Islands National Park

For Oxnard’s wilder side, board an excursion to Channel Islands National Park, 11 miles off the coast. 花一天的时间潜水,皮划艇,游泳,徒步旅行,露营,或探索这些深海洞穴 blissfully untouched islands. 从12月下旬到次年4月,你可以参加由自然主义者带领的巡游 Island Packers to see migrating gray whales. 想要刺激肾上腺素的体验,那就去滑翔伞吧 Channel Islands Harbor with Channel Islands Parasail, a company headed up by highly trained U.S. Coast Guard Masters. (No experience is necessary.钓鱼爱好者不应该错过进入岛屿周围和沿海水域蓬勃发展的海洋栖息地的机会. Book a partial-day or overnight trip with Channel Islands Sportfishing or Hook's Sportfishing 钓大比目鱼、白鲈鱼、梭鱼、黄尾鱼、岩鱼、鲑鱼等等.

Where to Eat and Drink in Oxnard

Recharge back in town. 奥克斯纳德是加州-墨西哥边境以北人均墨西哥卷饼最多的地方, and you can chart your own tasting tour along the Taco Trail. (恰如其分的是,这个小镇还会举办一个长达周末的庆祝墨西哥独立日的活动 Fiestas Patrias in mid-September.) When it comes to wine, 奥克斯纳德长期以来一直是一股力量——它是第九代葡萄酒生产商的故乡 Herzog Wine Cellars在美国,工厂遵循严格的可持续性标准. 你可以在他们的现场餐厅品尝结果, Tierra Sur. Between meals and tastings, shop the boutiques at The Collection at RiverPark, which also has nightlife options, such as Copper Blues Rock Pub and Kitchen and the comedy venue Levity Live, known to draw L.A.David Spade, Patton Oswalt和Jo Koy等一线明星.

Hotels in Oxnard

在全新的全套房海滨酒店的水边过夜 Zachari Dunes on Mandalay Beach or the harbor-front Hampton Inn Channel Islands Harbor. Further inland, you’ll find the spacious Homewood Suites, well-appointed Hilton Garden Inn, and conveniently-located Courtyard by Marriott and Best Western Oxnard Inn. Or stay right on a golf course at the Residence Inn by Marriott at River Ridge.

Things to Do Near Oxnard

奥克斯纳德的中心位置使其成为探索各种附近城镇和景点的完美起点. Along with the already mentioned Channel Islands National Park, other nearby places well worth a visit are Santa Barbara, 距离海岸大约一个小时的路程,以美丽的海滩而闻名, Spanish architecture, and vibrant cultural scene. Visit the historic Santa Barbara Mission, explore State Street for shopping and dining, or relax on the stunning Butterfly Beach.

从奥克斯纳德往北开25英里,你会进入 Ojai这是一个以宁静的氛围和艺术社区而闻名的小镇. Explore art galleries,在风景优美的奥康山谷开车,或享受一个 spa retreat at one of the local resorts. Head northeast on Route 126 and Santa Clarita will tempt you with the thrills of Six Flags Magic Mountain这是一个主题公园,有大量的过山车和惊险游乐设施. 这个小镇也提供了更多悠闲的机会 outdoor recreation, shopping, and dining.

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